Chamba, nestled in the Himalayas in Himachal Pradesh, is a charming town renowned for its ancient temples, caves, and historical structures. Surrounded by the breathtaking Pir Panjal, Zanskar, and Dhauladhar mountain ranges, Chamba offers stunning views that resemble a postcard scene. Situated at an elevation of 996 meters along the banks of the river Ravi, Chamba is bordered by Jammu and Kashmir, Lahaul, and Kangra.
The town is famous for its traditional handicrafts, including intricate Pahari paintings, which are small, detailed Indian artworks originating from the Himalayan hill kingdoms. Chamba serves as a starting point for various treks in the majestic Himalayas. Its serene atmosphere and natural beauty make it an appealing destination for travelers seeking a quieter, less touristy experience compared to other popular Himachali towns.