Barsana is a place of historical significance which is located in the district of Mathura at Uttar Pradesh, India. The town is nicknamed as the Birthplace of Radha Rani as the Hindu goddess Radha (Lord Krishna’s consort) was born in this city. Barsana is also popular for the grand celebration performed during the Holi festival, known as the Lathmar Holi.
Barsana is also called as Vrishabhanupura, named after the founder Vrishabhanu Maharaj, who is the father of Shri Radha. The town has many places of visit which are of religious and ancient significance. It is surrounded by many places where Goddess Radha spent her times with her Sakhis and Lord Krishna. There are many religious temples dedicated to Goddess Radha and Shri Krishna. The hills, ponds and many other places speak of the ways Radha spent time in Barsana.