Nagarjunakonda, a renowned Buddhist pilgrimage site in India, showcases ancient tools, stupas, statues, monasteries, and scriptures, offering a glimpse into its rich history. Situated approximately...
Samalkot, a charming town in the East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh, offers a unique experience best appreciated through a visit. Considered sacred by Lord...
Nestled along the Eastern Ghats near the Bay of Bengal coastline, Vizianagaram is a city in Andhra Pradesh. The city, named after the princely district...
Situated in the East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, Annavaram is a quaint village nestled along the banks of the Pampa River. Perched atop the...
Situated in the East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, Annavaram is a quaint village nestled along the banks of the Pampa River. Perched atop the...
Mantralayam, a sacred town, is positioned 74 km away from the Kurnool district in Andhra Pradesh and 250 km from the state capital, Hyderabad. Situated...
Nestled in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, Srikalahasti is a renowned tourist destination celebrated for its iconic Srikalahasti temple. Eminent as one of South...
Konaseema, situated in the East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, embraces the deltaic region where the majestic Godavari River meets the enchanting Bay of Bengal....
Kakinada, located in Andhra Pradesh, seamlessly combines a cosmopolitan lifestyle with old-world charm, offering a unique blend of diverse cultures. On one side, the city...